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Leverhulme Doctoral Programme


Interrogating Visions of a Post-Western World: Interdisciplinary and Interregional Perspectives

Following an award from the Leverhulme Trust in 2017, the Centre for Grand Strategy launched a major new interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme which enabled us to welcome fifteen new scholars into the centre under the research title ‘Interrogating Visions of a Post-Western World: Interdisciplinary and Interregional Perspectives’. The declining influence of ‘the West’ in comparison to the rising power of Asia is expected to have a profound impact on almost every aspect of global politics in the twenty-first century. Yet existing attempts to understand the likely consequences of this epochal shift have suffered from politicisation, parochialism, societal angst and simplistic dichotomies about the differences between East and West. The Centre for Grand Strategy has created the first ever interdisciplinary and interregional doctoral programme to interrogate contending visions of a ‘post-Western world’ in the past, present and future. Fellows are encouraged to combine historical perspectives with strategic foresight, utilise methods from the political and social sciences, security studies, international political economy and international relations theory, and pursue area-studies expertise while retaining a global perspective.

Please see a list of associated projects below:



Leverhulme Doctoral Fellowships