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Military & Political History

The research theme in Military and Political History promotes the study of the history of war broadly defined.

There are no restrictions on period or approach, when it comes to the theme, but most research areas focus on the study of the two world wars and the wars after 1945.

The largest research theme within the School of Security Studies with over 30 academic and approximately 50 student members  researchers work closely with a number of specialised groups including the Sir Michael Howard Centre for the History of War.

Members have access to opportunities such as collaborative research grant development, both within King’s and with external partners, as well as support for postgraduate research and early career researcher development.


Associated Programmes


Our Research

Defence Studies Department

Department of War Studies

Research Centres

Corbett Centre

Corbett Centre

The purpose of The Corbett Centre is to develop and promote the understanding and analysis of…

First World War

First World War

The First World War Research Group brings together a wealth of expertise on military, diplomatic,…

Laughton Naval Unit

Laughton Naval Unit

The Laughton Unit provides the ideal basis for original and challenging research on all aspects of…

Second World War

Second World War

The Second World War Research Group aims to promote innovative research on the conflict and its…

Sir Michael Howard Centre

Sir Michael Howard Centre

The Centre promotes the scholarly history of war in all its dimensions, trains research students and…