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Creating a bang!

Big Bang

Rupali Lav, Doris Cuckovic and Nadhrah Ali, from Tucker Lab, organised the stand called “Making Organs”, held for two days from the 16 to the 17 March 2018. The students showed how adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells can be used in the body to make new organs, such as teeth and glands.

The stand was sponsored by the Anatomical Society and was part of the Biology Big Top organised by the Royal Society of Biology.

While the students ran the stand, Professor Tucker was one of the events' careers captains, talking to visitors about biomedical sciences and handing out stickers. Of her experience she said:

“We had over a thousand visitors to the stand, which was consistently busy over the two days. It was a great experience, seeing so many children of all sorts of ages interested in science! Being able to interact with the public about what we do in the lab was really exciting, and something I would definitely do again".