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Adrian Constantin Plenary Speaker at European Congress of Mathematics

Professor Adrian Constantin is a plenary speaker at the 6th European Congress of Mathematics which is taking place in Krakow, Poland from 2 - 7 July 2012. Professor Constantin will be speaking on 'Some Mathematical aspects of water waves'.

Water waves have fascinated scientists and laypersons alike since times immemorial and their understanding extends beyond intellectual curiosity. This research area is a rich source of problems where progress is contingent upon a fruitful interplay between rigorous mathematical analysis, numerical simulation, experimental evidence, and physical intuition. The talk aims to survey recent advances on two fundamental aspects of water-wave theory and more information can be found in Professor Constantin's abstract.

Adrian Constantin is the Head of the Analysis Group in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London. His research interests include analysis in a broad sense (with emphasis on Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems) and Fluid Mechanics. He has been Professor of Mathematics at the University of Vienna (Austria) since 2008, and is the current holder of the Chair in Analysis at King's College London.