How can the Housing Advice Team help me?
In collaboration with our colleagues at University of London Housing Services (ULHS) and Westminster Citizen's Advice Service, we provide information, advice and advocacy in the following areas of housing advice. If you are interested in King's Accommodation please contact our colleagues at King's Residences.
We advise students to complete our housing modules below which are designed to cover all aspects of searching for accommodation in the private sector, as well as our guide to housing contracts and your housing rights when you have found somewhere to live.
If you get stuck or need help understanding your tenancy agreement or other documentation, are struggling to find somewhere to live or pay your bills, or are homeless please do contact us.
Looking for somwehere to live in the private sector
- Letting Agents
- Landlords
- Guarantors
- Budget
- Homelessness and emergency accommodation options
Deposits, fees and rent upfront
- What fees can landlords and their agents charge
- Deposit caps and the landlords requirement to protect them
- Rent in advance and break clauses
Household bills, Council Tax rules and regulations
- What household bills are there and sources of financial help with them
- When are students exempt from council tax and when do you become liable
- Challenging decisions around council tax and utilities
- Dealing with debt collectors, court action and bailiffs
- Other sources of financial support with household costs
Housing rights and disrepair
- Contract checking
- Tenant rights and responsibilities
- What is disrepair and how to challenge rouge landlords
- Taking action in the court
- Moving out and keeping records
Rent arrears and household debt
- We can advise you on your options should you find yourself in debt to the university
- We will advise if you are eligibile to apply for hardship funds and the limits of this funding
- Where appropriate we will advise on breaks from study or a switch in attendance mode if this will help limit the debt and reduce overall debt liability
- Where you are unable to do so and we can see that there is a sustainable plan for paying your fees we will negotiate with Credit Control on your behalf
- If you have multiple debts and/or consumer credit debts we will refer you to an external free debt advice agency for advice and support
Environmental or community issues
- Safety
- Pests
- Noise
- Problems with housemates or neighbours