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Choosing between the MSc in Clinical Research Delivery and the MRes in Clinical Research

When deciding between the MSc Clinical Research Delivery (delivered online) and the MRes Clinical Research (taught on-campus), it is crucial to align your choice with your career objectives, desired course content, and preferred mode of delivery. Here is a detailed look at how each programme supports different professional paths and academic goals.

Career aspirations

Both programmes are designed to advance careers in clinical research within the NHS, health, or care organisations. However, they differ in their focus and suitability for specific roles within the field:

  • Principal investigator and study delivery: the MSc Clinical Research Delivery, developed in line with the NIHR-AoMRC Clinician Researcher Credentials Framework, is especially well-suited for those aspiring to become principal investigators responsible for the delivery and management of clinical studies. Its curriculum is tailored to enhance practical skills in study delivery and patient engagement, making it the preferred option for healthcare professionals who work or aspire to work in the clinical research delivery workforce and lead clinical research projects.
  • PhD and research leadership: for those looking to pursue a PhD or clinical academic careers, the MRes Clinical Research is the better fit. This programme emphasises developing comprehensive research skills and methodologies, preparing graduates for advanced research roles and clinical-academic leadership.
  • Research funding and independent research: while both programmes support roles involving research funding, the MRes is more conducive to leading national funding applications and conducting independent research due to its intensive research-focused curriculum.

Content and specialisation

The specialised content of each programme caters to different aspects of clinical research, reflecting their educational focuses:

  • Advanced research methods: this training, exclusive to the MRes, prepares students for roles that require a deep understanding of research methodologies, ideal for those aiming to undertake PhD studies.
  • Clinical research delivery: the MSc is particularly designed for those focused on improving clinical research study delivery. It offers specialised modules that examine the infrastructures and policies shaping clinical research, how to engage with patients, planning projects, managing budgets, and gaining practical experience by supporting current clinical research delivery projects under supervision.
  • Dissertation focus: the MRes offers a broad choice in dissertation topics, providing flexibility and a broad educational experience. In contrast, the MSc is tailored towards projects aimed at improving the delivery of clinical research, with a practical application of coursework to clinical research delivery settings.

Mode of delivery

The delivery mode for each course is tailored to different lifestyles and learning preferences:

  • Part-time and full-time options: the MRes accommodates both full-time and part-time students, providing flexibility for those who can dedicate more time to their studies or need to balance other commitments. The MSc, offered exclusively online and on a part-time basis, is ideal for professionals who continue to work while studying.
  • Study environment: the online format of the MSc offers maximum flexibility, allowing students to study remotely and manage their education around professional commitments. The MRes, requiring campus attendance, is beneficial for those who value direct interaction with faculty and peers.

So, which course should you take?



MRes (Campus)

Career aspirations



I want to be a local principal investigator (responsible for study delivery) in my NHS trust, health or care organisation.



I want to be involved in delivering NIHR portfolio studies (recruiting to studies I did not design, engaging service users, and involvement in site set-up roles like R&D)



My longer-term career aspirations include a PhD and leading funding applications

Not necessarily


In the longer term I want to design my own research and lead national funding applications.

Not necessarily


I want to be a co-applicant on national research funding applications or lead local funding bids.



I am interested in leading the embedding of research into my local NHS trust, health or care organisation and increasing its research activity.



I am interested in becoming an independent academic/clinical academic and wish to pursue PhD study.






I would like to receive advanced research methods training



I would like to … (core modules delivery programme)



For the dissertation I would like to undertake a project focused on improving clinical research delivery



For the dissertation I would like to have a choice of topics



I would like to tailor my masters programme by selecting modules most relevant to my learning needs and research interests.



I would like to use work-based learning to demonstrate my research capabilities in practice under the supervision of a mentor



Mode of Delivery



I want to study part-time.



I want to study full-time.



I want to study remotely with maximum flexibility around my working commitments.



I would like some in-person contact with tutors and other students.



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