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It's Just Research, Ep. 6: Exploring the seductive details of science education, with Richard Brock

In the sixth episode of ‘It’s Just Research: Critically questioning the world we live in’, we were joined by Dr. Richard Brock, Lecturer in Science Education at the School of Education, Communication & Society. Dr. Brock shared insights from his journey through physics to education, highlighting his shift towards exploring the dynamics of learning and teaching science.

This episode delves into the practical and theoretical challenges in education, like the concept of 'seductive details'—those intriguing but potentially distracting elements in teaching that can either enrich or hinder learning. Dr. Brock and our team explored how these details impact student retention of knowledge and whether they enhance or detract from educational outcomes. 

Dr. Brock discusses his transition from a physics enthusiast to an educational researcher. He recounts his experiences teaching English in Japan and South Africa, and his eventual return to the UK, where he shifted his focus towards the intricacies of learning and teaching science.

I think it is good to have seen quite a few sides of what schools are like because you think ‘school’ and you think of your own school, but schools can be so miles apart. Schools don't have to be the way we think they are - and it's very hard to think outside the box.– Dr. Richard Brock, Lecturer in Science Education at the School of Education, Communication & Society.

Join us, as Dr. Brock also shares his thoughts on the broader implications of these findings for educational practices and policy. His insights are especially timely, considering the increasing reliance on digital media for education, which has been accelerated by the global pandemic. The conversation covers a wide range of topics from the role of anecdotes in science teaching to the importance of teaching the nature of scientific inquiry, providing a rich, detailed exploration of what it means to teach and learn science today.

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Richard Brock

Richard Brock

Senior Lecturer in Science Education

It’s Just Research, an ECS podcast

The It’s Just Research podcast demystifies research while offering a critical outlook onto the global 21st-century challenges we face. Bringing to light the behind-the-scenes of research,…

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