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King's students capture global wonders on year abroad

Studying overseas offers the chance to see new perspectives – and so does getting behind the camera. For undergraduates in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, the annual photography competition documents the cultural and educational value of spending a year abroad.

Nearly all undergraduate students on the Department’s language courses spend a year of their degree at one of King’s partner institutions, in destinations spread across Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America. The experience allows students to immerse themselves in the local language and culture, putting their learning into practice in real life.

During this time, students take part in the Department’s annual year abroad photography competition, submitting photographs featuring a variety of subjects – from landscapes to people to once-in-a-lifetime sights.

These photographs are embedded throughout the Department’s website to show the diverse and enriching experiences that come with studying a languages degree at King’s.

In the 2023 competition, first place was awarded to Aliaksandra Krestova’s for a striking picture of Port Vell in Barcelona, one of Europe’s most important harbours located in a regenerated neighbourhood with historic roots.

Second place was given to Eithne Marsh for her photo of a Paris restaurant interior; the judges praised her ability to capture “the spirit of Edward Hopper”.

Third place was jointly awarded to Sofia Rosales-King for capturing the street light decorations during Feria del Caballo (the Jerez Horse Fair) in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, and to Alessandra Sciacovelli for her photo of Paris’ Palais-Royal, a former royal residence in the French capital.

Wine, travel, and arts writer Nina Caplan joined as a guest judge for the 2023 competition, with all entries commended for their high quality.

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