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07 March 2023

Protecting and safeguarding children in schools

King's researchers Mary Baginsky and Carl Purcell led a dissemination event

A group of children with backs to the camera

Unit researchers Dr Mary Baginsky and Dr Carl Purcell presented the findings from an ESRC-funded research project that examined the engagement of English schools in multi-agency working for the protection and safeguarding of children. The webinar was attended by 45 people representing schools, local authorities, Ofsted and other research institutions. 

I found the feedback session today a breath of fresh air, and left me with hope for safeguarding in schools in the future.

A participant at the webinar

This webinar was part of the series Contemporary issues and debates in social work education, research and practice presented by the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce.

In this story

Mary Baginsky

Reader in Social Care

Carl Purcell

Research Fellow