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02 July 2019

Welcome to our new starters

Welcome the new academics that have joined us over the recent months


Adil Mardinoglu – Professor of Systems Biology

Professor Adil Mardinoglu is an expert in the field of Systems Medicine, Systems Biology, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. He has been recruited as a Professor of Systems Biology in Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions, King’s College London, UK where he leads a computational group. He also works as group leader in Science for Life Laboratory (Scilifelab), KTH-Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and led a team of 25 researchers working in the area of computational biology, experimental biology and drug development.

James Garnett - Senior Lecturer in Structural Bacteriology

Dr. Garnett is a senior lecturer in Structural Bacteriology in the Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions.

A major focus of his group’s research is unravelling the molecular details of host-pathogen interactions; in particular the structure and function of bacterial biofilms, secretion systems and secreted proteins that promote infection.

He gained his PhD from the Astbury Centre for Structural and Molecular Biology at the University of Leeds where he studied transcriptional regulation of L-arginine metabolism in bacteria. After receiving an MRC new investigator award he moved to Queen Mary University of London to setup his research group and to study mechanisms of type II secretion in Legionella pneumophila.

Mads Bergholt - Lecturer in Biophotonics

Dr Bergholt received his MSc. Degree in Engineering, Physics and Technology (optics) from the University of Southern Denmark and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from National University of Singapore. He was awarded the Marie Curie Fellowship at Imperial College London and the United Kingdom Regenerative Medicine Platform (UKRMP) Special Merit Prize. He is currently a Lecturer in Biophotonics at King's College London. His research interests include biomedical optics and light-tissue interaction, linear/non-linear optical spectroscopy/imaging, advanced endoscopy and artificial intelligence in preclinical disease models and in patients to shed new light on disease onset and progression. He holds several commercialized patents in healthcare.

William Wade – Professor in Oral Microbiology

William Wade has rejoined King's after five years at QMUL. He was appointed Professor of Oral Microbiology in 1996, having previously held academic appointments at Bristol and Cardiff. He has been a pioneer in the development and application of methods for the study of the oral and human microbiome.

"I am delighted to be back at King's as part of the Centre for Host-Microbiome Interactions and am looking forward to collaborating with the wide range of talented colleagues within the Centre, including clinical researchers, microbiologists and other basic scientists, and experts in computational and systems biology."

Luigi Nibali – Professor of Periodontology

Professor Nibali joins King’s from his previous position as Reader in Periodontology at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).  He originally trained in dentistry at the University of Catania (Italy) and completed his MSc and PhD in Periodontology (‘Genetics of aggressive periodontitis’) at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute (EDI).  After leaving the EDI in 2016, he worked part-time at QMUL, continuing private practice limited to periodontology and implant dentistry.

Professor Nibali has published widely in periodontal and medical journals and received several periodontal research prizes. He has wide research interests in minimally-invasive periodontal treatment, treatment of furcation-involved molars, genetics/microbial risk factors for periodontitis and periodontal medicine. He is looking forward to joining Kings College London and the opportunities within Periodontology and for multidisciplinary collaboration.   

Owen Addison – Professor in Oral Rehabilitation

Professor Owen Addison is a newly appointed Chair in Oral Rehabilitation at King's. He joins King’s from the University of Alberta, Canada, where he held the position of ADA&C Endowed Chair in Oral Health Translational Research for the past three years. Clinically, he completed specialist training in Restorative Dentistry in 2012 in the UK and has interests in implant-based prosthodontics and the oral and dental rehabilitation of patients with congenital and acquired deformity. His research is highly interdisciplinary, sitting at the interface between Life, Physical and Clinical sciences and extending from foundational studies to early clinical translation. The overall focus is on enhancing the clinical performance of biomaterials and devices by improving the mechanistic understanding of how these materials/devices fail and developing solutions.

In this story

Adil Mardinoglu

Professor of Systems Biology

Mads Bergholt

Reader in Biophotonics

William Wade

Emeritus Professor of Oral Microbiology