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Leonie Taams

Professor Leonie Taams

Head of the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences

  • Professor of Immune Regulation & Inflammation

Research interests

  • Biomedical and life sciences
  • Immunology

Contact details


Leonie Taams obtained a PhD in Immunology from Utrecht University, the Netherlands, with a thesis entitled 'Anergic T cells as active regulators of the immune response'. Leonie undertook postdoctoral studies at the Royal Free and University College Medical School in London. There, with Professor Arne Akbar, she isolated and characterised, as one of the first groups worldwide, human regulatory CD4+CD25+ T cells.

Leonie continued to translate her findings to human inflammatory disease, by studying the presence and function of these cells in rheumatoid arthritis, during her postdoctoral research at the University Medical Centre Utrecht. In early 2003, she took up a Lecturer position at King’s College London, where she is now Professor of Immune Regulation & Inflammation. At King’s, Leonie runs an active research lab that studies fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms that initiate, perpetuate and regulate immune-mediated inflammation in human health and disease. The lab has a strong interest in tissue immunology, and particularly how immune cells interact with and are influenced by their environment, including stromal and neuronal cells. Leonie has trained over 45 PhD students, postdocs, research assistants and clinical fellows and supervised many more undergraduate and postgraduate students.

In addition to her research and educational activities, Leonie is the Head of the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine at King’s. She also directs the Wellcome Trust-funded PhD programme in Neuro-Immune Interactions in Health and Disease, and is Director of the FOCIS Centre of Excellence at King’s.

Previously, Leonie was Head of Department of Inflammation Biology (2017-2023) and Director of the Centre for Inflammation Biology and Cancer Immunology (CIBCI) at King’s (2016-2023). She held substantive teaching & education roles, including Deputy Director and Chair of the Assessment Sub Board of the MSc Immunology, module organizer and personal tutor. She was Congress Secretary of the British Society of Immunology (BSI) and a BSI Trustee (2014-2017) and served for 8 years as the Editor-in-Chief of the BSI journal Clinical and Experimental Immunology (2017-2024). She frequently serves as a member of national and international scientific programme committees, advisory boards and funding panels. Leonie is a recipient of the King’s Graduate School Supervisory Excellence Award 2011-2012.



    inflammation-biology-hero banner 1903 x558
    Taams Lab

    Studying fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms that initiate, perpetuate and regulate immune-mediated inflammation in human health and disease

    RNA Biology

    RNA is at the forefront of biomedical research for its central role in how information is transferred from DNA to protein. This Research Interest Group is open to all interested parties from across the University.

    Transdiagnostic biological clustering
    Clinical Diagnostics Development Unit (CDDU)

    The CDDU ethos is to harmonise all methods used within the labs for the processing of clinical samples.

    King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

    The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


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    King’s College London and the Foundation for Liver Research (FLR) are pleased to announce the establishment of the Roger Williams Institute of Liver Studies...

    Scientist wearing blue gloves handling test tubes in the laboratory.

    Ongoing brain injury caused by COVID-19 may not always be detected by routine tests

    A new study published recently in Nature Communications details that markers of brain injury are present in the blood many months after COVID-19 infection,...


    Developing Translational Research Capabilities in the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences

    Researchers from the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences have been awarded funding through King's Health Partners Essentials for Translational Medical...


    King's researchers awarded funding to study persistent pain in inflammatory arthritis

    The £3.9M award will be used to identify the drivers of pain in people living with rheumatoid arthritis.

    Inflammatory arthritis

    Faculty researchers recognised at royal event celebrating women's arthritis research

    Professor Leonie Taams, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences, and Professor Frances Williams, School of Life Course Sciences, were recognised at the...

    Versus Arthritis


    5 minutes with Leonie Taams

    We caught up with Leonie on her career, current projects and love of Eurovision.



      inflammation-biology-hero banner 1903 x558
      Taams Lab

      Studying fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms that initiate, perpetuate and regulate immune-mediated inflammation in human health and disease

      RNA Biology

      RNA is at the forefront of biomedical research for its central role in how information is transferred from DNA to protein. This Research Interest Group is open to all interested parties from across the University.

      Transdiagnostic biological clustering
      Clinical Diagnostics Development Unit (CDDU)

      The CDDU ethos is to harmonise all methods used within the labs for the processing of clinical samples.

      King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

      The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


      King's College London and the Foundation for Liver Research announce new institute dedicated to liver studies

      King’s College London and the Foundation for Liver Research (FLR) are pleased to announce the establishment of the Roger Williams Institute of Liver Studies...

      Scientist wearing blue gloves handling test tubes in the laboratory.

      Ongoing brain injury caused by COVID-19 may not always be detected by routine tests

      A new study published recently in Nature Communications details that markers of brain injury are present in the blood many months after COVID-19 infection,...


      Developing Translational Research Capabilities in the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences

      Researchers from the School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences have been awarded funding through King's Health Partners Essentials for Translational Medical...


      King's researchers awarded funding to study persistent pain in inflammatory arthritis

      The £3.9M award will be used to identify the drivers of pain in people living with rheumatoid arthritis.

      Inflammatory arthritis

      Faculty researchers recognised at royal event celebrating women's arthritis research

      Professor Leonie Taams, School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences, and Professor Frances Williams, School of Life Course Sciences, were recognised at the...

      Versus Arthritis


      5 minutes with Leonie Taams

      We caught up with Leonie on her career, current projects and love of Eurovision.
