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Assessment and Management of Symptoms in Advanced Diseases 7MRSAC22

Key information

Subject area:

Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care

Course type:

Assessed Module

Credit level:


Credit value:



2 weeks

Available course dates:

To be confirmed

Course overview

This module reviews the epidemiology and pathophysiology of progressive incurable illnesses, which are relevant to specialists in palliative care. It then reviews the aetiology, mechanisms and management of common symptoms in palliative care leaving participants with the skills to assess and manage symptoms and appraise new therapies appropriate to their professional group.  Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions are considered.

What does this course cover?

  • Basic outline of the epidemiology of progressive incurable diseases; the biology and staging of cancer with particular emphasis on the most common malignancies.
  • Pathophysiological effects of progressive non-malignant diseases, including the clinical effects of dysfunction and failure of the major organs.
  • Relationships between pathological processes and prognosis.
  • Evidence based assessment and management of common symptoms
  • Role and contribution of different professions and disciplines in the management of symptoms.

Who will I learn with?

Matthew Maddocks

Matthew Maddocks

Professor of Health Services Research & Rehabilitation

Sabrina Bajwah

Sabrina Bajwah

Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Palliative Care

Who is this for?

A degree in medicine, nursing or dentistry or a 2:1 degree in life sciences or social sciences. Experience of working in palliative care or an associated area, eg clinical or social care research.

How will I be assessed?

3,000-word assignment

What is the teaching schedule?

11/11/2024 - 22/11/2024 10 teaching days