Guy's and St Thomas' Nightingale - Work Based Learning - Level 6 - 6KNIN652
Course overview
This course is available at both Level 6 and Level 7. Please ensure you apply for the appropriate Level (you need to provide evidence of a BSc Hons degree to study at Level 7)
This work-based learning module is designed to offer a flexible student-centered and practice-related approach to learning; it will enable participants to gain academic credit for knowledge and skills acquired and developed in the workplace.
'The Nightingale is a dedicated pioneer, innovative with an enquiring mind who inspires others and goes above and beyond the call of duty'. (Next generation Nightingale working definition, GSTT 2017). This module is part of the Nightingale Nurse Award being offered by Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust (GSTT) as a way of recognising individual excellence amongst their nursing and midwifery staff. The module will be based on work-based learning principles, allowing staff to earn academic credit for work undertaken as part of their application for the Nightingale Award. The module assessment will take the form of a portfolio of evidence mapped against the Nightingale Pledge created by the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, King's College London and GSTT Trust Values. The portfolio assessment entries will enable staff to explore and critically review aspects of their practice relevant to their application for the award.
Who will I learn with?
Lecturer in Adult Nursing
Who is this for?
This course is for Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust healthcare professionals only
How will I be assessed?
Reflective assignment submitted online (100% mark)
What is the teaching schedule?
Term 1 - Monday 23/09/2024 – Friday 06/12/2024
Term 3 – Monday 21/04/2025 – Friday 04/07/2025
There are no taught elements to the Programme, only drop in sessions