Haemoglobinopathies: Advancing Client Centred Care Level 6 6KNIN313
Course overview
This course has been framed with the RCN competencies 'Caring for people with sickle cell disease and thalassaemia syndromes' which is endorsed by the NHS Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia Screening Programme. It aims to develop critically reflective practitioners, enhancing their abilities in promoting and providing client centred care in a variety of settings to people with, or at risk of, a haemoglobinopathy. The course will cover aetiology, epidemiology and pathophysiology of the haemoglobinopathies, psychology, health promotion and a review of health and social policies.
This course is available at both Level 6 and Level 7. Please ensure you apply for the appropriate Level (you need to provide evidence of a BSc Hons degree to study at Level 7)
What does this course cover?
This course aims to integrate and apply knowledge of theoretical frameworks from a variety of disciplines. These include biological and social sciences, nursing/midwifery and health sciences to care for individuals, families and communities with or at risk of haemoglobinopathies.
Finally, it is expected that the course will develop a practitioner capable of empowering clients through education, counselling and screening to make informed health and social choices. As well as one who can reflect on practice and factors that influence professional judgement, and subsequent action.
What will I achieve?
On successful completion of the module, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an in-depth current knowledge and understanding of the aetiology, epidemiology and natural history of abnormal haemoglobins.
- Analytically categorise populations 'at risk', modes of inheritance and potential health implications.
- Identify, select and use laboratory tests available to detect carrier and disease state through a knowledge of the distribution of values in the target population with an understanding of the importance of first trimester screening and diagnosis.
- Analyse and determine the sociological, psychological and biological determinants of health and illness as experienced by the client/patient.
- Interpret the heath care needs of patients receiving specialist haemoglobinopathy treatment; including the use of early warning tools to identify the patient's changing and deteriorating condition, and take appropriate action.
- Translate relevant health and social policies, examine political philosophies and identify their impact on health and social care service provisions.
- Judge the reliability, validity and significance of evidence to support conclusions and/or recommendations; drawing on clinical expertise to integrate this knowledge with client information.
- Appraise their role in promoting the health of clients/patients with or at risk of a haemoglobinopathies.
- Demonstrate confidence and flexibility in identifying ways of increasing the child, adult and their carers' participation in their care and service development working with the patient (and their family/carers) as an expert in their own condition.
- Consider population diversity and health inequality and apply culturally competent approaches based on cultural respect frameworks in order to work collaboratively with clients and their families.
- Work effectively within a multidisciplinary team, supports or is proactive in leadership and negotiates in a professional context. This includes undertaking assessment and follow up with appropriate action, including referral to medical specialists for relevant chronic health care conditions.
- Take responsibility for own learning and development using reflection and feedback to analyse own capabilities, appraises alternatives and plans and implements actions. This is in relation to the client group in order to actively improve and promote services across the care pathway.
Who is this for?
Qualified healthcare professionals
How will I be assessed?
What is the teaching schedule?
Term 2 -18/02/2025, 25/02, 04/03, 11/03, 18/03, 25/03