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Midwifery High Dependency Care Level 6 6KNIM302

Key information

Subject area:

Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care

Course type:

Assessed Module

Credit level:


Credit value:



5 dates over 3 months

Available course dates:

From: 24 April 2025 To: 19 June 2025
Application deadline: 15 March 2025

Course overview

The course aims to build on practitioners' existing knowledge of high-risk midwifery situations. Recent advances in midwifery and obstetrics will be examined and evaluated in order to extend course participants' scope of professional practice to women requiring high dependency care. Practitioners will develop expert critical evaluation of the research evidence in relation to high dependency care, and advanced knowledge and skills in evaluating and building on strategies and interventions utilised in care provision. In practice they will develop specialist skills and competencies required to care for critically ill pregnant and parturient women. At the end of the course practitioners will have increased their awareness, specific skills and competencies necessary to provide care for high risk and/or critically ill women within the context of midwifery practice.

This course is available at both Level 6 and Level 7. Please ensure you apply for the appropriate Level (you need to provide evidence of a BSc Hons degree to study at Level 7)

What will I achieve?

At the end of the course, practitioners will demonstrate:

  • An appraisal of the principles of high dependency care.
  • A critical analysis of the research evidence and knowledge base for high dependency care.
  • Recognition of the complexity of pathological obstetric conditions and their implications for the care of women.
  • An understanding of the effects of altered maternal physiology during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • An understanding of the relevant physiological parameters to monitor and achieve equilibrium.
  • A revision of pre-existing medical conditions which contribute to high-risk situations in childbearing women.
  • An appraisal of the strategies and interventions utilised in the provision of high-dependency care.

Who will I learn with?

Sam  Bassett

Sam Bassett

Head of Department, Midwifery and Senior Lecturer in Midwifery Education

Who is this for?

Qualified midwives and other health care professionals who want to expand their understanding of high-risk maternity care.

How will I be assessed?

Assignment and Clinical assessment document

What is the teaching schedule?

Term 3 - 24/04/2025, 08/05, 22/05, 05/06, 19/06

Course status:


Full fee £1700



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