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Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG)

Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is a rare condition characterised by chronic disfiguring oral and facial inflammation which can be very distressing. The incidence, geographical distribution and cause of this disease is not known but is thought to involve an allergic component, the trigger for which is not always clear. Three potential dietary triggers are thought to be cinnamon, benzoates and chocolate. Treatments can therefore include dietary avoidance of these and when this fails, and no other trigger can be identified, immunosuppressive therapy is sometimes used.

This website provides free information for health professionals only to help with the dietary avoidance of cinnamon and benzoates.

If you have OFG or are concerned that you might have OFG then please seek medical advice.

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For further details please contact the OFG Team.

  • Diet and orofacial granulomatosis
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