With its Global Institutes and significant strategic partnerships, the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy is widely connected internationally.
Students, academic staff and visiting professors and fellows benefit from our London base which includes a broad network of academics, journalists, thinktanks, policymakers, civil servants and politicians. We organise lectures, discussions and policy debates that aim to educate, inform and influence at the highest levels.
In any one year about half of SSPP’s students come to study at King’s from over 80 countries.
Each School in the Faculty has developed staff and student exchange programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and we are committed to internationalising our curriculum to give our students a global perspective.
The opportunities on offer include formal joint degrees where we regularly exchange small cohorts of students with our partner universities, as well as study abroad opportunities which are offered in many degree programmes.
As well as global education connections, we have many international collaborations.
In the last five years, our academics have been engaged in research with more than 120 institutions worldwide, bringing opportunities for PhD students and early career researchers to collaborate on international research projects, helping them to build their own networks in their individual fields.
Two recent initiatives launched as part of King’s Vision 2029, the International School for Government and the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, are building off this base of activity to provide professional development and create deeper networks that have impact at a global level.