Welcome to your great university! You may be feeling a lot of different emotions as you begin university life – excitement and anticipation maybe alongside some anxiety and apprehension. I want you to remember one very important thing in the midst of all that – you are enough. You are bright enough to manage your coursework; you are likeable enough to make good friends; you are capable enough to manage this big change in your life. You are enough – and we are delighted you are here!
And, for the times when you don’t believe this, or if everything gets overwhelming and you need to step back for a little while, there are lots of people here to help. You can walk in to the Chaplaincy on any campus and talk with one of our friendly and understanding Chaplains, who are there to help students of all faiths and none. You can make an appointment with a Counsellor, another Student Services Specialist, or with your Tutor. No-one will consider this a failure on your part, everyone will want to help.
I hope your time at King’s is joyful and challenging, sometimes full of silliness, sometimes full of wisdom, and always moving you forward into growth. When things get tough, as they do for all of us from time to time, don’t hesitate to ask for the help you need. You are enough, you’ve got this, and we are on your side cheering you on!
Welcome to King’s – we really are delighted you are here!