2 January 2024 What lies ahead for the War in Ukraine in 2024? Professor Tim Willasey-Wilsey shares his thoughts on what we can expect from the War in Ukraine in…
3 May 2023 Why President Zelensky has just six months to win the war for the West TIM WILLASEY-WILSEY: If Ukraine doesn't defeat Russia in the coming six months, the West is likely…
22 February 2023 What impact has the war on Ukraine had on Russian security and intelligence? The invasion of Ukraine has changed how Putin’s secret empire operates, both at home and abroad.
21 February 2023 Will Russia’s global influence continue to decline? TRACEY GERMAN & NATASHA KUHRT: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and its failure to…
20 February 2023 Has the invasion of Ukraine caused our food prices to rise? GREG KENNEDY: How has a war in the ‘breadbasket of Europe’ disrupted global food supplies?
12 October 2022 Is the war in Ukraine a proxy conflict? GERAINT HUGHES: Ukraine’s western backers were accused by Russia of waging a proxy war, but is this…
27 September 2022 Why are governments sharing intelligence on the Ukraine war with the public and what are the risks? HUW DYLAN & THOMAS MAGUIRE: the risks and rewards that come with a more open approach to…
24 August 2022 What are the many risks of shelling of Europe’s biggest nuclear power plant? ROSS PEEL: Russia’s president Vladimir Putin might wish to control the plant for several reasons
14 June 2022 Ukraine: Russian attitudes to Ukrainians can help to explain the atrocities KSENIYA OKSAMYTNA: What dangers are posed by negative Russian attitudes towards Ukrainians?
26 May 2022 What does the use of rape in Ukraine tell us about sexual violence in wartime and in peace? JELKE BOESTEN: Sexual violence is widespread in society and exists in a continuum between war and…
4 May 2022 Will the Ukraine war go nuclear? ROD THORNTON & MARINA MIRON: Is there a risk of nuclear war breaking out over the Ukraine crisis?
12 April 2022 How should Britain’s foreign policy deal with Russia going forward? BEN SOODAVAR: How can the UK reshape its foreign policy to mitigate future challenges?
8 April 2022 One month on why has Russia lost control of events in Ukraine? GERAINT HUGHES: Putin has launched a war, but lost control of the course of events.
29 March 2022 Would Russia have invaded Ukraine if Soviet nuclear weapons had remained on Ukrainian soil? CLARA GUEST: Russia's war in Ukraine has led to renewed interest in the Soviet nuclear weapons that…
21 March 2022 Could international economic fallout from the war in Ukraine constitute a Third World War? GREG KENNEDY: The economic fallout of the Ukraine-Russia war will affect countries on a global…
17 March 2022 Gender stereotypes in the media: Are Ukrainian women really only helpless victims? ANDREA ELLNER: Gender stereotypes deny the agency of Ukrainian women in the face of extreme…
21 March 2022 How are digital sleuths making their mark on the Ukraine war? MATTHEW MORAN: How is open source intelligence affecting the war in Ukraine?
18 March 2022 Did Putin invade Ukraine because of NATOs "broken promise"? BARBARA ZANCHETTA: The motivation for Russia’s brutal aggression on Ukraine has been linked to…
17 March 2022 Is Western covert action a viable policy option in Ukraine? MAGDA LONG: Stories of Russian covert operations in Ukraine abound and Western commentators now…
11 March 2022 Has Russia emulated Nazi “blitzkrieg” in its invasion of Ukraine? ZENO LEONI AND ANDRE CARVALHO: There has been much speculation about the poor performance of Russian…
10 March 2022 What could be the consequences of the Ukraine war in space? MARK HILBORNE: How is the Ukraine-Russia war likely to impact operations in space, and what could…
10 March 2022 What are the implications of Ukraine’s civilian resistance going viral? MAGDA LONG AND DANIELA RICHTEROVA: Putin’s assault on Ukraine was quickly dubbed the first “social…
9 March 2022 What do the rules of war tell us about the deliberate targeting of civilians in Ukraine? MARIA VARAKI: How can international law prevent civilian suffering during war?
9 March 2022 Will Putin’s gamble lead to the revival of German military prowess? MARINA MIRON: Over the past ten days all eyes have been on Putin’s ‘special military operation’ (the…
7 March 2022 Is the war in Ukraine informing China’s strategy on Taiwan? ANNA TAN: There are significant implications for China from Russian's invasion of Ukraine on…
4 March 2022 What happens when the Russians’ "two-day" war drags on? ROD THORNTON AND MARINA MIRON: It seems that the Putin’s war in Ukraine was supposed to last just…
1 March 2022 What should we make of Putin putting nuclear deterrence forces on high alert? ANDREW CORBETT: Russia appears to have badly underestimated Ukraine’s ability and determination to…
2 March 2022 Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: What are the maritime implications in the Black Sea? DEBORAH SANDERS: Military strength, both at sea and on land, will be vital to ensure maritime…
2 March 2022 What are the chances of a "palace coup" in Moscow? ROD THORNTON: With mounting Russian casualties and supposed ‘tip-offs’ to Ukraine, pressure on Putin…
2 March 2022 What do anti-war protesters in Russia risk by speaking out? ALVINA HOFFMAN: Anti-war protests have broken out across Russian society, but what are protesters…
1 March 2022 How do Russians feel about the war in Ukraine? VICTORIA HUDSON: It’s impossible to get objective and representative data on the attitudes of the…
1 March 2022 How has public intelligence transformed the way this war has been reported? HUW DYLAN: The use of public intelligence in the war has been unprecedented in its scale.
28 February 2022 Could the West have provided stronger deterrence towards Russia before it invaded Ukraine? ANDREW CORBETT: Despite the impending invasion, the international community failed to deter Russian…
28 February 2022 What might the invasion and incoming sanctions mean for the Russian energy sector? KALINA DAMIANOVA: Revenues from oil and gas exports are central to Russia’s budget
28 February 2022 What does Putin want and what can the West do? ANDREW MACLEOD: On the surface, one may be tempted to think what is happening in Ukraine is simple:…
28 February 2022 Should we be worried about Nuclear Power Stations in Ukraine? ROSS PEEL: Concerns were raised over Chernobyl nuclear power plant , but of greater concern should…
28 February 2022 How has Russia violated international law? MARIA VARAKI: The dramatic events of the last few days fundamentally challenge the basic premises of…
28 February 2022 Why is China more likely to support Russia in the war in Ukraine than in the past? NATASHA KUHRT & MARCIN KACZMARSKI: with a high number of restrictions imposed on Chinese firms by…
25 February 2022 What role are cyber operations playing in this conflict? LILLY PIJNENBURG MULLER: Whilst cyber operations are unlikely to seriously escalate the situation…
25 February 2022 The psychology behind the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine BEN SOODAVAR: For the West, Russia’s actions simply do not adhere to a logic or rationality which…
25 February 2022 What did Russia learn about the West from its previous military manoeuvres? TRACEY GERMAN: The change in the approach of Russia's invasion of Ukraine reflects lessons they…
25 February 2022 What does the conflict mean for Ukraine’s Central European neighbours? BENCE NEMETH: Poland, Slovakia and Hungary sent military troops to their borders with Ukraine and…
25 February 2022 Could China have any influence over Russia’s actions? ZENO LEONI: How China is responding to the war in the Ukraine.
25 February 2022 What can the EU do and how will the conflict change European defence cooperation? GESINE WEBER: This watershed moment implies that Europeans need to think more strategically on…
25 February 2022 What can the British military do in this crisis? SIMON ANGLIM: Facing the country with the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world shapes any military…
25 February 2022 Ukraine invasion: should Russia lose its seat on the UN Security Council? ANDREW MACLEOD: In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, should Russia lose its seat on the UN…
25 February 2022 How do you sell a war to those who do not want it? MAXIM ALYUKOV: While Russia’s regular army has initiated a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine,…
25 February 2022 Foreword: A Reckless Gamble: Wars rarely go to plan, especially if you believe your own rhetoric LAWRENCE FREEDMAN: Wars rarely go according to plan. Chance events or poorly executed operations can…
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