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Why I chose to study Classics

Choosing to study Classics at King’s College London stands out as one of the most rewarding academic choices I have made. Today, I am excited to share with you the reasons that influenced my decision.

I have always believed that there is an undeniable allure in exploring the origins of the Western Civilisation and understanding the intricacies of ancient philosophy. As well as, delving into mythologies that have stayed with us for generations, continuously inspiring literature, and culture.

Thus, my journey of finding the best course to satisfy my intellectual appetite has landed me in the gracious halls of King’s College London.

I specifically chose this programme because it allows me the freedom to choose the modules that pique my interest. It also allows the flexibility of choosing whether you want to study Latin and/or Greek or neither at all.

Another reason I chose to study Classics is because I believe in its relevance to today’s society. In other words, the classical world forms the pillars of Western culture. Many aspects of our political systems, societal traditions, as well as artistic expressions have their roots in ancient classical civilisations. Therefore, not only does the study of Classics help us understand our cultural foundations and how they were influenced by the classical world, but it also allows us to appreciate them.

Moreover, the study of Classics has revealed to me an astonishingly rich cultural diversity that goes far beyond the widely believed confines of Greece and Rome. The study of classics encompasses a wide array of diverse cultures and civilisations, including those in Egypt, Persia, and the Middle East. Thus, this inclusive approach broadens our understanding of ancient societies, as well as serving as a challenge to Eurocentrism. As a person from a multicultural background, I particularly value and appreciate this aspect of my field of study. This allows me to bring my own insights which I have harnessed as a person with a multicultural heritage.

In essence, what I love about studying Classics is the fact that it provides me the opportunity to explore the bridges linking past and present. I believe that if we, as individuals and as a society, have a better understanding of the past, then we would have a better chance at improving our present but most importantly our future.

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