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Covid-19 Research Impact Papers Series

The Covid-19 crisis has caused enormous distress around the world and demands urgent research to interrogate how it has impacted upon, and how it will continue to reshape, multiple features of economy and society. We hope that this series of KBS Covid-19 Research Impact Papers will provoke new debate among our UK and international partners in business, civil society and government. We look forward to building new ideas for policy and practice that foster a more inclusive, sustainable and responsible future.


Learn more about other Covid-19 research at King's Business School


Fair care work: a post-Covid-19 agenda for integrated employment relations in health and social care

The distinctive contribution, in terms of bravery and sacrifice, made by the healthcare and social workforce to tackling Covid-19 has been reflected in the Thursday night round of applause reserved for this part of the workforce. However, if this applause is to be more than a well-meaning gesture, serious consideration must be given by policy makers and practitioners to whether and how these sentiments can be captured in the fair treatment at work of these health and social care employees.



Entrepreneurship and Covid-19: Challenges and opportunities

There is not a single day without news on the negative economic, health and mental wellbeing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The four-month lockdown in the UK put significant pressure on the 5.86 million UK entrepreneurs, small businesses and self-employed, with many seeing their livelihoods and wellbeing threatened. Yet new opportunities also emerged and, beyond economic considerations, UK entrepreneurs are making contributions to the societal fabric of the UK through volunteering and giving to charity.



Socioeconomic determinants of Covid-19 infections and mortality

Filipa uses simple correlations and regression analysis to study how the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases and the number of deaths with Covid-19 per 100,000 people is related with the socioeconomic characteristics of local areas in England and Wales. Her research finds that local areas that have larger households, worse levels of self-reported health and a larger fraction of people using public transport have more Covid-19 infections per 100,000 people



Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 pandemic: A global study of entrepreneurs’ challenges, resilience and well-being

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs including the selfemployed) account for 90% of businesses globally and provide 70 per cent of employment worldwide. These businesses, typically entrepreneur led, are threatened by the Covid-19 pandemic, meaning that millions of jobs are at risk. This report presents insights from a global study conducted during the pandemic in 2020. The research team surveyed over 5,000 entrepreneurs in 23 countries that represents 75 per cent of the world’s economic output.


UK Equality Law and Covid-19

Covid-19 has exposed the vulnerability of many individuals at work and has accentuated how pre-existing inequalities in employment have remained unchanged, or have been exacerbated by the pandemic. This paper contextualises the discussion of UK equality and anti-discrimination law within the Covid-19 crisis. It outlines the legal landscape germane to this discussion, including the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Flexible Working Regulations 2014. It reviews developing legal issues, putting forward a selection of relevant case law examples to demonstrate a variety of challenges in the employment relationship and the potential outcomes associated with the threat of inequality in the workplace.
