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About us

What is the King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence?

The King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence brings together the diverse and growing community in artificial intelligence (AI) at King's College London.

The distinctiveness of King's, in our interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, provides a context that is hard to match, and that is increasingly and absolutely recognised as the crucial pre-requisite for success in AI. As the UKRI AI Review puts it, UKRI will seek to ensure that the UK has the right environment by “promoting the interdisciplinarity and cross-sector working needed for successful advances in AI.”  At King's, our AI work lies in every faculty across the entire university, with activity spanning core AI (its technical underpinnings), applications and societal implications.

Launched in 2022, our immediate aims in the King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence are to create a coherent and visible presence for AI at King's, to support networking and collaboration across the King's AI community, and to provide a point of coordination within King's, and for external partnerships and collaborations.

Annual Report

The King’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence has been delivering against its strategic priorities by fostering a connected and coordinated research community that transcends disciplinary boundaries; engaging with external partners and establishing new collaborations; providing AI education and training; and cementing our internal and external visibility. Read our annual report to find out more about our activities.

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