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Thanksgiving for the birth of a child

If you have links to King's and do not think baptism is appropriate at this stage  but still wish to celebrate the birth of a child, you may wish to consider having a Service of Thanksgiving. Contact the Chaplaincy to express an interest, or to find out more.

About the Service of Thanksgiving

The Church of England describes this service in the following way:

The birth or adoption of a child is a cause for celebration. Many people are overcome by a sense of awe at the creation of new life and want to express their thanks to God. This service provides an opportunity for parents and families to give thanks for the birth or adoption of a child and to pray for family life. It may be a private celebration at home or in hospital, or it may be a public celebration in church, sometimes with a number of children.

This service is not the same as Baptism (sometimes called Christening), which is the sacrament of initiation into membership of the Church, the Body of Christ.


God our creator,
we thank you for the wonder of new life
and for the mystery of human love.
We thank you for all whose support and skill
surround and sustain the beginning of life.
We thank you that we are known to you by name
and loved by you from all eternity.
We thank you for Jesus Christ,
who has opened to us the way of love.
We praise you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

College Chapel

To discuss your requirements, contact the Revd Tim Ditchfield FKC

020 7848 2373

K2.34, Strand Chaplaincy, King's Building, Strand Campus, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS

Chapel of Thomas Guy

To discuss your requirements, contact the Revd Jim Craig

020 7848 6940

G2, Guy's Chaplaincy, Henriette Raphael Building, , Guy's Campus, London SE1 1UL