Centre for Global Mental Health (CGMH) The Centre for Global Mental Health (CGMH) aims to address inequities by closing the care gap, and…
Centre for Implementation Science The Centre for Implementation Science is home to a team of expert implementation and improvement…
King’s Health Economics King's Health Economics, led by Professor Sarah Byford (Director), and Dr Barbara Barrett (Deputy…
Mental Health Nursing The Mental Health Nursing research group is developing a programme of high-quality research with the…
Qualitative Research The group is an interdisciplinary team of methodologists comprising social scientists, experts by…
Section of Women’s Mental Health The Section of Women's Mental Health (SWMH) undertakes mental health services and policy research…
Service User Research Enterprise The Service User Research Enterprise (SURE) is a unique academic research group comprised…
Society and Mental Health Our group primarily focuses on how social contexts, interactions and experiences shape the…