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Agile Coach

The Agile Coach is a key role in delivering agility, change and new ways of working as part of an enterprise transformation. The Agile coach will have a...

AKC Director and Lecturer in Ethics & Values

We welcome applications for a Lecturer in Ethics & Values and Academic Director of the AKC (Associate of King’s College). This post, and the AKC itself, are...

Anatomy Demonstrators

Anatomy Demonstrators teach and supervise undergraduate students in the Department of Anatomy, as well as those students studying Dental and Medical...

Apprentice Technician

An opportunity to work with technical services teams across disciplines at King’s College London, supporting research and education whilst completing a Level...

Business Operations Manager

The Department of Informatics in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES) is a cutting-edge place to study and research the field of...

Business Operations Manager

International, Engagement & Service (IES) is a new Directorate at King’s that brings together the expertise of teams engaging with communities and partners...

Cancer Computer Scientist

Seeking a highly motivated Research Associate with expertise in deep learning and spatial biology within the field of translational cancer research. The...

CDT in DRIVE-Health Communications and Engagement Officer

Building on the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Data-Driven Healthcare ( [DRIVE-Health](; four-year...

Centre for Doctoral Training in DRIVE-Health Administrator

Building on the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Data-Driven Healthcare ( [DRIVE-Health](; four-year...

Chair/Professor in Rehabilitation and/or Physiotherapy Sciences

We are seeking an exceptional academic leader in rehabilitation and/or physiotherapy sciences to join the [School of Life Course & Population...

Cleanroom Manufacturing Technician (Medical Devices)

About King’s The facility for the Manufacturing of Active Implants and Surgical Instruments (MAISI) is located in the School of Biomedical Engineering &...

Clinical Research Fellow in Neonatal Brain MRI

This role sits within the Department of Perinatal Imaging (name will be changing to Early Life Imaging), King’s College London. The postholder will be based...

Clinical Research Fellow in the Department of Neuroimaging

We are seeking a clinical research fellow to join the department of neuroimaging at King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and...

Clinical Teacher

Part-time (minimum one day a week) clinical teachers are required to teach within different departments including: Dental Outreach clinics. These posts would...

Communications Manager (Internal Communications)

King’s College London is one of the world’s top universities with an ambitious vision, the success of which is in part dependent on its ability to communicate...

How we recruit

At King’s we seek to recruit and retain skilled and engaged colleagues to...