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Accounting & Finance BSc

3-4 years / Full time

Anatomy, Developmental & Human Biology BSc

Three years or four years with a year abroad / Full time

Ancient History BA

Three years / Full time

Artificial Intelligence BSc

3 years / Full time

Artificial Intelligence MSci

4 years / Full time

Biochemistry BSc

Three years, or four years with a year abroad or extra-mural year, or four years with transfer to MSci Biochemistry / Full time

Biomedical Engineering BEng

Three years / Full time

Biomedical Engineering MEng

Four years / Full time

Biomedical Science BSc

Three years, or four years if includes either a year abroad or extra-mural year / Full time

Business Management BSc

Three / four years (Optional Placement Year available) / Full time

Cardiovascular Medicine iBSc

One year / Full time


Some enjoyable highlights of my course are working in teams which helps gain some real-life experience, the excellent level of teaching which assists my learning in a productive way, the supportive friends I have made and lastly, when lecturers apply real-life current examples of what’s going on in the world into their lectures to enhance on commercial awareness.

Emilio, Student (Accounting & Finance BSc)


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