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Connections & Outreach

The Department has a global reach, forming connections with institutions and communities internationally and nationally.

Study Abroad

The opportunity to study abroad represents a central part of our undergraduate degrees. We have agreements with more than 40 universities across the world, which usually includes universities in the United States of America, Hong Kong, Canada, France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Portugal, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Australia. This diverse range allows us to offer a unique study-abroad experience to our students and supports international collaborations between our department and universities across the world.

View a full list of study abroad options for Modern Languages and Comparative Literature.


We offer a variety of opportunities for young people of all ages and from all backgrounds to experience what it is like to study language(s) or literature at university. These include: 

  • our popular taster events for year 11 & 12 students

  • annual writing competitions for schools

  • A-level workshops based around particular topic or texts/films from the syllabus

  • theatre performances and related workshops, including the longstanding tradition of the KCL German play

  • workshops on languages and careers for Year 8 or 9 pupils

  • summer schools for students who are underrepresented at university in our subject areas

  • a virtual platform of resources for students in years 11-13, including online taster lectures

  • subject magazines written by our students, featuring a variety of topical articles in different languages.

We work with schools in and around London to support language learning and promote university-level study. As well as inviting school groups to King’s on a regular basis for workshops and study days, we run a teachers’ network and frequently visit schools to give talks and taster classes. 

Many of our students also take part in the Capital L Language Ambassadors scheme, organised by Routes into Languages, which gives them training to visit schools and promote language-learning.

If you wish to find out more about our outreach work or sign up for our newsletter, please contact the Admissions Tutor, Dr Catherine Smale ( 

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

The department seeks to be a welcoming and empowering place for all students and staff, with a strong history of supporting equality, diversity & inclusion, running several successful initiatives. This includes recent workshops exploring student and staff experiences of neurodiversity in the study of Modern Languages and events around decolonizing methodologies in the Humanities. There is a Diversity & Inclusion committee within the department, which helps promote and facilitate these initiatives.



Language, literature and cross-cultural comparison courses that enable you to engage with the…



Study a postgraduate course with a global outlook from within the department.



Join a world leading research environment on our PhD programmes.

A-Level writing competition shows benefit of language and literature degrees

Each year the Department runs workshops for A-Level students so that they can experience what it's like to study Comparative Literature or Modern Languages at King's.

This project culminates in a writing competition, with categories in Comparative Literature, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish, allowing students to flex their language skills and creativity. The winning articles are published in the Department's language-focused journals.

dllc writing competition 2024 feature image

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Research Centres

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