Gadi Fisher
Business Management BSc, 2014. Investment Associate at iAngels. Diversity mentor, 2020/2021.

What does it mean for you to participate in the Diversity Mentoring Programme?
The Diversity Mentoring Programme to me is an opportunity to give back. Diversity was a focal point of my experience as a King's Business School student – the broad spectrum of cultures and nationalities led to some fascinating perspectives learnt and relationships built, many of whom I am still close to today. The opportunity to dip back into that rich ecosystem and contribute to that fabric once more therefore was one of the easiest decisions I ever had to make.
What did you do personally to make the most out of this programme during these six months?
It was absolutely meeting bright young students who are at the top of their game. I am filled with pride when I think of what my mentee has achieved in his time, and especially that time since we began the programme. Once we leave University, it’s often easy to forget about the day-to-day pressures of assignments and exams that are top of mind for students. But this crop of students seems to magically juggle that, whilst securing some of the top internship positions in their fields of choice – it’s brilliant to see.
Your biggest success (e.g., helped my mentee get an internship or new job, learned more about being a good mentor, helped them with job applications, CV writing, different industries’ insights, etc.)
Certainly, assisting with the internship process and helping students get their positions is one tangible goal and success. However, the biggest success is reminding students just how good they are. The internship process is a harrowing and daunting experience where it sometimes feels like if you don’t get one, it’s the end of the world. That perspective isn’t a healthy one coming into an interview. I worked hard with my mentee on building trust in his capabilities, and work, and all the hiring Company needed was a bit of luck to grab him first.
What is the biggest advice you would give to future applicants/participants?
Go out of your way to meet people in areas of interest. If you want to work in a MedTech start-up, jump on LinkedIn and shoot the CEO a message saying you’d love to grab a coffee and learn about the industry. You’d be surprised how many people are looking for reasons to do that, and they just don’t know it yet.
Why is it important for you to support current students?
Like all people, I am indebted to others who helped me with everything from a review of my CV when applying to my first internship, to an introduction to a contact in an industry I was interested in joining. Giving back is important to me, and the opportunity to do so in King’s Business School, which gave me so much during my time there, was a natural fit for me.