Our Affiliated Faculty come from a broad range of departments from across King's College London, bringing valuable expertise to a selection GIWL projects.

Dr Ylva Baeckstrom
Lecturer in Banking & Finance
A former banker and Fintech entrepreneur, Dr Baeckstrom is an academic researcher who lectures at King’s College London Business School. Ylva is an expert in behavioural finance with a special interest in gender and relationships in finance and entrepreneurship. Ylva is passionate about creating positive impact through her research, conveyed through the Economic Equality Impact Group she established at King’s. EEIG focuses on gender and the broader diversity and inclusion agendas in financial services and business. In her private psychotherapy practice Ylva supports people who struggle with relationship problems in their personal or business lives. Ylva delivered a TEDx talk, "Run like the real woman you are", in March 2020.

Jelke Boesten
Professor in Gender and Development
Jelke Boesten is Professor in Gender and Development at the Department of International Development (DID), King’s College London. She is interested in transformative gender justice, and visual and embodied research methodologies. She has written extensively on sexual violence in war and in peace, social policy and politics, and gender-based violence in Latin America. Her latest book co-edited book (with Helen Scanlon, UCT) is Gender and Memorial Arts: from Symbolic Reparations to Protest Movement (2021). She is the convenor of the Gender Studies Network at King’s, and co-lead on the Visual and Embodied Methodologies Network. She also hosts genderjusticememory.com.

Dr Alice Evans
Lecturer in International Development
Dr Alice Evans is a Lecturer in International Development. She is writing a book on The Great Gender Divergence: why all societies have become more gender equal, but why some societies are more gender equal than others. She blogs at www.dralicevans.com/blog and tweets @_alice_evans.

Damian Grimshaw
Professor of Employment Studies
Damian Grimshaw is Professor of Employment Studies at King’s College London and Associate Dean for Research Impact. Previously he was Director of the Research Department at the International Labour Organisation in Geneva (2018-19) where he was responsible for the flagship World Employment and Social Outlook reports and introduced future of work research on the digital economy, inequalities and the green economy. Prior to 2018, he was Professor at the University of Manchester and Deputy Director of the Work and Equalities Institute. His published work covers international comparisons of low-wage labour markets, outsourcing, precarious work and gender inequality. Recent publications include Making Work More Equal (2017, Manchester University Press) and "International organisations and the future of work: How new technologies and inequality shaped the narratives in 2019", Journal of Industrial Relations.

Dr Anna Gwiazda
Reader in Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Economy
Dr Anna Gwiazda is a Reader in Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Economy, King’s College London. She conducts research on women’s political representation and gender equality in politics.
Anna has published two special issues: ‘Politics and Gender in Eastern Europe’ in Politics & Genderand ‘Women’s Political Representation in Central and Eastern Europe’ in East European Politics. She has also published her research on women and politics in Government and Opposition, International Political Science Review, Democratization and the Journal of Legislative Studies. In the past, she researched the quality of democracy and published a book titled ‘Democracy in Poland’ with Routledge in 2015. She also conducted research on political parties and the Europeanization of public policies.

Dr Madeleine Wyatt
Reader in Diversity & Inclusion at King’s Business School
Madeleine Wyatt is a Reader in Diversity and Inclusion at King’s Business School and a Leverhulme Research Fellow. Her research examines equality, diversity and inclusion at work, organisational politics, and political leadership. By working with practitioners, politicians and policy makers her work provides tools for organisations and political parties to advance diversity and inclusion.
Madeleine teaches diversity modules for King's Business School and works with the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership to deliver executive education on gender-inclusivity. Madeleine is Chair of King's Business School's Equality Diversity and Inclusion committee.