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Women in Science


Women in STEM face systemic intersectional inequalities throughout their careers, particularly in relation to grant funding. These differences accumulate over the course of an individual’s career to create substantial disparity in opportunity and experience, driving women out of research careers.

As part of the faculty’s work on EDI, we are actively working to support women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to address the current underrepresentation of women working and studying in these areas. 

Find out more

Contact the Faculty's Chair of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee

Athena Swan

The Athena SWAN charter was launched in 2005 to recognise the work of institutions that promote and advance careers of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM), in academia.

King's College London has held a bronze institutional award since 2008. Since October 2020 all departments in the faculty hold Athena SWAN awards in Bronze.

Athena SWAN

Women in STEMM season

Every year King's hosts Women in STEMM Season - a month-long celebration between the the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February and International Women’s Day on 8 March.

Through events, talks and stories on social media, we aim to analyse inequality in STEMM and bring together staff and students from across King's science faculties to share empathy and allyship on how we break down barriers, and build an equal place in science and technology, for the benefit of all.

Women in STEM season

Women in STEM Scholarships

The faculty funds a Women in STEM Scholarship as part of our commitment to increasing the representation of women working in and studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects. The scholarships are designed to offer financial assistance of £1000 per year for up to 3 years to outstanding female candidates during their undergraduate study.

We particularly welcome applications from Black and Mixed Black Heritage home students as this group has been historically underrepresented in STEM.

Women in STEM scholarship_

Diversity & Inclusion in Departments




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