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Doing a placement as part of your degree is a great opportunity to gain skills and experience of working in an industry of your choice, getting you ready for the world of work after you graduate.


In a globally competitive graduate employment market, gaining professional experience alongside your studies can give you an edge. It also increases your knowledge of an industry or sector, allowing you to make better-informed decisions for future career choices. 

Placements can lead to better grades in your studies, a graduate offer from your placement employer and a higher likelihood of securing graduate employment.


Placement stories

Join NMES students Esther Okusanya and Vandad Varfal Tabrizi as they talk about their experiences with placements as part of their Computer Science with Management and Year in Industry BScs, and the benefits they received from a placements opportunity.

For more first-hand experiences in the King's Placements programme - and advice and top tips for success - check out our Careers blog.

We're always happy to receive testimonials from current Placement students. Get in touch with us to share your story!


Information for prospective employers

Hosting a placement student is a great way to develop the next generation of talent, whilst supporting their programme and assessment. Our students represent a diverse talent pool in a reasearch-intensive leading institution.

If your company can offer suitable placement opportunities, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with us using the contact details below, and we can discuss the best way for you to promote your opportunities directly with our students!

A young man works on his computer in a computer lab


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