PIC - Your digital heart
Learn how computers are shaping the future of cardiovascular healthcare.
Credits: Arcadi García and PIC fellows (specially Cristobal Rodero).
The "École Européenne de Bruxelles 3" (EEB3) hosts annually the TEDxYouth@EEB3 event, to expose its 3,000 pupils to new ideas and, thus, build upon the foundation received in class and stimulate critical thinking.
Jorge Corral Acero, our PIC fellow, was invited this 2020 edition to give a TEDx talk. "Welcome to the grey zone" is the metaphor he uses to introduce the human world of doubts, the future and the fear of making decisions.
EU Researchers' Night in Zaragoza
On 27th September 2019, PIC fellow Syed Hassaan participated in the EU Researchers' Night in Zaragoza (Spain).
I was so excited to present my work at Zaragoza, the land of beauty. I was surprised to see so many people and their motivation towards science, especially children and their super pertinent questions.
We brought animal and plastic hearts to explain the cardiac anatomy and ECG recorder to record and view the cardiac signal in real time. Each child who volunteered received a certificate of participation. It's such an honor to speak to such an enthusiastic crowd at the ERN2019.– Syed Hassaan
Native Scientist Workshop
On 19th October 2019, PIC fellow Cristobal Rodero participated in the Native Scientist workshop at the Embassy of Spain in London.
The goal of Native Scientist is to engage with kids whose mother tongue is not English, showing them that science has no borders. I had the pleasure to talk to over 20 kids from 6 to 12 years old about the importance of 3D modelling in game-like activities involving MRI scans of daily objects. These kids were mainly from parents either both Spanish or one English and one Spanish. It's always nice to talk about science to kids, but also relieving them making them feel that they are not alone in a foreign country and that "cool things" are being done here in science, it's amazing.
Cardiac Mechano - Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias Workshop
From 4th to 7th of September 2019, PIC fellow Francesca Margara participated to the Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias workshop in Freiburg (Germany) as poster presenter, entitled "A Novel Human-Based Multiscale Modelling and Simulation Framework of Cardiac Electromechanical Function to Investigate Drug Safety and Efficacy".
From 23rd to 26th of September, she also participated to the Safety Pharmacology Society Annual Meeting in Barcelona (Spain) as a poster presenter, entitled "Simultaneous Assessment of Drug-Induced Effects on Contractility and Electrophysiology Using Human in Silico Trials". She was awarded with the Safety Pharmacology Society Student Travel Award to attend this meeting.
EU Researchers' Night in Lisbon
Earlier this month, PIC fellow Joao Filipe Fernandes engaged families with the Personalised In-silico Cardiology Project, in his home town of Lisbon.
It was truly a huge honour to be able to present the work I do in my home country, but mostly it was hyper gratifying to see so many people, no matter the age to be truly interested in it and asking super pertinent questions.– Joao Filipe Fernandes
Big Heart Data Presentation at the Science Gallery London
Protecting the health and wellbeing of the entire King’s community is a priority for the university. For our latest updates and safety guidance, please refer to the Keeping King’s safe together webpages.
How do I study on campus safely?
In order to be physically on campus, you will need to have conversations with your supervisors using the return to campus policy.
If you are planning to come to campus, you should complete our online risk assessment tool. You will need to use your King’s account to complete the form. The form will explain the measures that we have put in place to support you and identify if any further steps are required.
What should I do if I am identified as high or medium/high risk and planning to come to campus?
Please discuss the results with your supervisor who will advise you about the next steps and ask you to complete an individual risk assessment.
What should I do if I am identified as high risk but am not planning to come to campus?
If you are not planning to come to campus, then you do not need to take any further action on risk assessments. However, it is advisable to let your supervisor know as early as possible so that adequate support can be put in place for when you join us on campus.
NTNU's Electronikk & Teknologidagen
PIC fellow Andy Gilbert, representing GE Healthcare, flew to Trondheim to engage some of Norway’s best young engineers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s (NTNU) Electronikk & Teknologidagen. The event was held for the ~300 students in NTNU’s System Design and Innovation program. The program, which emphasizes instruction on the frontiers of new technology across everything from medical equipment to space technology, organized the day to feature exhibits with work from 24 leading Norwegian and international companies including Texas Instruments, Kongsberg Satelite, GE Healthcare and others.
Andy, currently conducting research with GE Healthcare’s Cardiovascular Ultrasound R&D department, demonstrated some of GE’s scanners and talked about some of the latest research being conducted in ultrasound imaging. He discussed with students how they could get involved in similar research, relaying his own experience finding work with labs around the world, and possible positions within teams at GE.
Publications in a Conference proceedings
- Yingjing Feng, Mirabeau Saha, Mélèze Hocini, Edward Vigmond. "Noninvasive One-Year Ablation Outcome Prediction for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Using Trajectories of Activation From Body Surface Potential Maps". Computing in Cardiology 2019 Proceeding, 2019.
- Ali Wajdan, Magnus Reinsfelt Krogh, Manuel Villegas-Martinez, Per Steinar Halvorsen, Ole-Johannes Grymyr, Ole Jakob Elle, Espen W. Remme. "Monitoring cardiac function by accelerometer–detecting start systole from the acceleration signal makes additional ECG recordings for R-peak detection redundant". Proc of the 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2019.
- M. Marciniak, L. Toemen, A. King, V. Jaddoe, P. Lamata. "An anatomical surrogate of wall compliance in the infant heart". Proc. of Frontiers of Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Cardiovascular Management and Treatment conference VPH CaSE Conference, 2018.
- Cristóbal Rodero, Marina Strocchi, Pablo Lamata, Gernot Plank, Christopher A Rinaldi, Steven A Niederer. "In-Silico and clinical based pipeline for the electrode location optimisation in quadripolar left ventricular leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy". Proc. of The heart by numbers Conference, 2018.
- Joao Filipe Fernandes, Alessandro Faraci, Saul Myerson, David Alexander Nordsletten, Pablo Lamata. "Enhanced non-invasive pressure drop and flow inefficiencies quantification via 4D-flow MRI". Proc. of 27th ISMRM conference, 2019.
- J Fernandes, A Faraci, J Sotelo, J Urbina, C Bertoglio, S Uribe, DA Nordsletten, P Lamata. "Flow profile for a better non-invasive pressure drop in CoA". European Heart Journal, Volume 40, Issue Supplement_1, ehz747.0197, 2019.
- Joao Filipe Fernandes, Alessandro Faraci, Saul Myerson, David A. Nordsletten and Pablo Lamata. "Inaccuracies of clinical pressure gradient measurements: Quantification of pressure recovery in aortic valve conditions". Proc. of VIRTUAL PHYSIOLOGICAL HUMAN 2018 Conference, 2018.
- J.F. Fernandes, A. Faraci, S. Myerson, D.A. Nordsletten, P. Lamata. "Inaccuracies of clinical pressure drop: Quantification of pressure recovery in bicuspid aortic valve". Proc. of Frontiers of Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Cardiovascular Management and Treatment conference VPH CaSE Conference, 2018.
- Syed Hassaan Ahmed, Flavio Palmieri, Mark Potse, Julia Ramírez, Pablo Laguna, Carlos Sánchez, Esther Pueyo. "Transmural ventricular heterogeneities play a major role in determining T-wave morphology at different extracellular potassium levels". Computing in Cardiology 2019 Proceeding, 2019.
- Flavio Palmieri, Pedro Gomis, José Esteban Ruiz, Beatriz Bergasa, Alba Martín-Yebra, Syed Hassaan Ahmed, Esther Pueyo, Juan Pablo Martínez, Julia Ramírez, Pablo Laguna. "Transmural ventricular heterogeneities play a major role in determining T-wave morphology at different extracellular potassium levels". Computing in Cardiology 2019 Proceeding, 2019.
- Gilbert A., Holden M., Eikvil L., Aase S.A., Samset E., McLeod K.. "Automated Left Ventricle Dimension Measurement in 2D Cardiac Ultrasound via an Anatomically Meaningful CNN Approach". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 11798), 2019.
- Jorge Corral Acero, Ernesto Zacur, Hao Xu, Rina Ariga, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Pablo Lamata, Vicente Grau. "SMOD - Data augmentation based on Statistical Models of Deformation to enhance segmentation in 2D cine cardiac MRI". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 11504), 2019.
- JC Acero, H Xu, E Zacur, J Schneider, P Lamata, A Bueno-Orovio, V Grau. "Left Ventricle Quantification with Cardiac MRI : Deep Learning Meets Statistical Models of Deformation". Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2019.
- Filip Loncaric, Maciej Marciniak, Joao Filipe Fernandes, Loredana Nunno, Laura Sanchis, Bart Bijnens, Marta Sitges. "Basal septal hypertrophy in patients with hypertension: a non-invasive assessment of segmental myocardial work with left ventricular pressure-strain relations". Echocardiography, MSCT, MRI , 2018.
- Filip Loncaric, Loredana Nunno, Maria Mimbrero, Laura Sanchis, Silvia Montserrat, Frank Weidemann, Bart Bijnens, Marta Sitges. "A septal bulge depicts more advanced cardiac impairment in patients with hypertension: the case of atrial remodelling". European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 2018.
- Filip Loncaric, Ander Regueiro, Laura Sanchis, Mariana Sousa, Doltra A, Freixa X, Manel Sabaté, Pablo Lamata, Peter Mortier, Marta Sitges. "Predicting adverse outcomes after TAVI procedure – a comparison of two CoreValve generations using real-life outcomes and patient-specific computer simulations". European Heart Journal, 2019.
- Filip Loncaric, Maciej Marciniak, Joao Filipe Fernandes, Loredana Nunno, Maria Mimbrero, Laura Sanchis, Doltra A, Dora Fabijanovic, Maja Cikes, Pablo Lamata, Bart Bijnens, Marta Sitges. "Myocardial work distribution in hypertensive patients with basal septal hypertrophy - a non-invasive assessment with left ventricular pressure-strain relations". European Heart Journal, 2019.
- Filip Loncaric, Maciej Marciniak, Loredana Nunno, Joao Filipe Fernandes, Maria Mimbrero, Laia Tirapu, Dora Fabijanovic, Laura Sanchis, Doltra A, Maja Cikes, Pablo Lamata, Bart Bijnens, Marta Sitges. "Myocardial work in hypertension and mitral regurgitation- insights from non-invasive assessment of left ventricular pressure-strain relations". European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging In press, 2019
- Filip Loncaric, Maciej Marciniak, Joao Filipe Fernandes, Loredana Nunno, Maria Mimbrero, Laia Tirapu, Laura Sanchis, Doltra A, Dora Fabijanovic, Maja Cikes, Bart Bijnens, Pablo Lamata, Marta Sitges. "Segmental septal curvature - a novel, semi-automated parameter for recognizing basal septal hypertrophy in arterial hypertension". European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging In press, 2019.
- Filip Loncaric, Sergio Sanchez-Martinez, Loredana Nunno, Silvia Monserrat, Laura Sanchis, Maria Mimbrero, Carlos Yague Mendez, Gema Piella Fenoy, Marta Sitges, Bart Bijnens. "Exploring hypertensive patient profiles based on full myocardial deformation and Doppler traces– insights from a machine-learning approach". European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging In press, 2019.
- Francesca Margara, Alfonso Bueno Orovio, Blanca Rodriguez. "In-Silico investigation of drug safety and efficacy in human electro-mechanical function". Proc. of Gordon Research Conference on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, 2019.
Publications in Journals
- Filip Loncaric, Bart Bijnens, Marta Stiges. "Added value of cardiac deformation imaging in differential diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy ". Global Cardiology Science and Practice, 2018.
- Nicolas Duchateau, Filip Loncaric, Maja Cikes, A. Doltra, Marta Sitges, Bart Bijnens. "Variability in the assessment of myocardial strain patterns: Implications for adequate interpretation". Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology In press, 2019.
Francesca Margara
Maciej Marciniak
Andy Gilbert
Yingjing Feng
Syed Hassaan
Filip Loncaric
- Congress: 12th Congress of the Croatian Cardiac Society.
- Zagreb, Croatia.
- 2018.
- First prize for original oral presentation.
- Congress: European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress.
- Paris, France.
- 2019.
- Winning Moderated Poster Presentation.
- Session: Basic Science at EuroEcho .
- Paris, France.
- 2019.
- Young Investigator Award.
Jorge Corral Acero
Media coverage
Digital Twin: The Journey Towards Better Healthcare
What is a Digital Twin? How can it be used to make our life better? This short video explains in very simple terms how through the use of computer simulations we can create digital versions of ourselves (Digital Twins) to improve the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a disease.
How to build the Human Virtual
The vision of a personalised in-silico medicine, and the power of supercomputers, is illustrated in this film, organised by CompBioMed. The CompBioMed is a European Commission H2020 funded Centre of Excellence focussed on the use and development of computational methods for biomedical applications. The film is rendered on MareNostrum supercomputer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, it shows how scientists can map and plan treatments in our bodies to determine the best outcome for us. How long will it be before we could all have our own Virtual Human?
Read the PIC Comic below or download a version in your language.

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