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Beat that boring commute! Tips for travelling between King’s campuses

Giulia smiling at the camera, wearing headphones and using her laptop in Chapters Café on Strand Campus
Giulia Pession
Student Life Content Creator and undergraduate student in Social Science & Public Policy

20 January 2025

Commuting can be a time-consuming activity for any student. So, why not take your journey to the next level and make it as enjoyable as possible?

A new route may be just what you need to add a bit of novelty to your day. Whether you’re an undergraduate or a postgraduate, based at Strand, Guy’s or Denmark Hill, here are some suggestions for a smoother and more pleasant commute between King’s campuses:


Strand/Waterloo Campus to St Thomas’ Campus

One route is good for your health, free and quick: walking! St Thomas’ campus is just 7 minutes away from Waterloo Campus which makes for a nice movement break. You can walk along the river and enjoy the sight of the London Eye. If you’re leaving from Strand campus, it’s same route but from the other side of the river.

If the bus is more your vibe, try taking the C10 bus from Waterloo or the 59 bus from the Strand (fixed fare at £1.75).


Strand/Waterloo Campus to Guy’s Campus

If you enjoy a bike ride, good news! The 10-minute route between the Strand/Waterloo area and Guy’s is very simple and completely covered by cycle lanes if you stick to the north side of the river and then cross over London Bridge. If you don’t own a bike, Santander Cycles is a great option which offers cheap hiring fees and day passes.

If cycling isn’t for you, the Tube is a good option too. You can either take the District line from Temple to Monument, or the Jubilee line from Waterloo to London Bridge.

For a cheaper alternative, there’s always the 15 bus from the Strand to Monument, followed by a short walk across the Thames.


Strand/Waterloo Campus to Denmark Hill Campus

Both the 176 and the 68 buses take approximately 45 minutes to get you from the Strand/Waterloo area to Denmark Hill. Bring along a book or listen to a podcast to make your journey more entertaining.


St Thomas’ Campus to Guy’s Campus

The C10 bus will take about 30 minutes getting you to Guy’s Campus, but if you’re really in a hurry and feeling adventurous, try cycling instead – you’ll be going through the center of the city so there might be lots to see on the way.


St Thomas’ or Guy’s Campus to Denmark Hill Campus

The 148 bus can take you from St. Thomas’ to Denmark Hill in just over 35 minutes, and it takes approximately the same time for the 35 bus to take you from Guy’s to Denmark Hill. That’s just enough time for you to watch an episode of your favourite sitcom on Netflix! For a quicker and more scenic alternative, consider cycling as the approximate travel time is 20 minutes.


Walking and cycling are great options if they work for you - they’re great for the planet, and they can really help you enjoy an otherwise boring part of your routine. As you take in some fresh air, you might discover hidden gems or potentially find yourself enjoying your Monday morning commute to campus.

If walking or cycling isn’t your thing, then taking the bus is another speedy and sustainable option too – it’s perfect for reading, listening to your favourite playlist or just enjoying the city’s sights.

Check out Transport for London’s website for more commuting inspiration.