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Aspects of Study

Learning from London

For students at King's TRS, London is a living classroom.  Our undergraduates have unparalleled access to the city's world-class museums, galleries, exhibitions, libraries, theatres, and civic buildings. 
They can also learn from local religious communities, study religion abroad, compete for departmental prizes, and follow the AKC - a historic programme in philosophy, ethics and religion unique to King's.


Watch a lecture by Dr Michelle Fletcher and Dr Vittorio Montemaggi on the iconic Barbican Centre, a short walk from King's TRS:

Visits to local religious communities


A great diversity of religious groups and organisations, ancient and new, have also made London their home.  King's TRS students visit the synagogues, mosques, churches, cathedrals, temples and other religious sites.  They are encouraged to connect the theories and ideas encountered in the classroom to the realities of lived religion.  

Our students say...  

In regards to the temple trip, I would say that seeing it in person helped make sense of the theoretical teachings and as it was such a memorable trip, what I learned on that day stuck in my head, hence why I chose to revise the sima [Buddhist ritual enclosures] as one of the topics for the exam.

I had been to the British Museum several times before, but focusing on each object gave me a new insight. It was interesting to see how those objects are related to each other.

It is amazing to study religion in London, where there are so many different cultures and faiths literally on your doorstep. Our class visits helped me to relate the course materials to the real world and really brought my studies to life. London is such a diverse city and my TRS modules help me understand what's going on beneath the surface.



London visits talkStudents visit the East London Mosque in Whitechapel.

London visits templeStudents visit the historic Sandy's Row Synagogue in the East End of London.

London visits St PaulsProfessor Ben Quash teaching students about St Paul's Cathedral.

Religion, Politics & Society

This video introduction to our Religion, Politics & Society BA includes examples of visits to local religious and cultural sites.

AKC programme

The AKC (Associateship of King’s College) is the original award of the university, dating back to its foundation in 1829 and reflecting its first motto: ‘sancte et sapienter’ (with holiness and wisdom). Its innovative lecture series in philosophy, ethics and religion focuses on topical issues, and is at the heart of the university's commitment to an international, interdisciplinary curriculum.  AKC series are curated by King's TRS staff and feature experts from across the university.  Over 3000 students and staff from all departments and faculities follow the AKC every year.

AKC lectures enrich and broaden the academic curriculum at King’s in a unique way, encouraging students to learn about multicultural London, the UK, and the world.  The AKC offers an inclusive, research-led programme of lectures that give all King’s students the opportunity to explore diverse cultural perspectives, alongside their main programme of study.  In recent years, AKC lecture series have focused on migration, mental health, leadership, London, and ethics in cultural context. 

Watch a sample AKC lecture:
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