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The Council is the supreme governing body of King's College London. It is supported by a number of standing committees which aid its business and decision-making processes.

Some committees report directly to the Council. Other committees which are primarily concerned with teaching and research report to the Academic Board, which in turn is a standing committee of Council. Academic Board is responsible for the academic work of the university, including teaching, assessment and research.

King's committee structure is detailed in the Delegations Chart (pdf 430kb).

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the university makes information on key committees publically available. For further details on how King's meets its requirements under the Act, see our Publication Scheme.

Dates of meetings of Council and its Committees are available for 2023-24 and 2024-25.


Our committees

Academic Board

Academic Board

The Academic Board is responsible for the academic work of the university.

Finance Committee

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee formulates policies to manage and control the university's finances.

Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committee

This Remuneration Committee determines the remuneration and terms of service of senior post…