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Welcome to Chemistry

Chemistry has been taught at King's from the founding of the University in 1829 making us one of the oldest Chemistry departments in the UK.

Today, we provide a vibrant environment to study
undergraduate and postgraduate chemistry right in the heart of London.

The cross-fertilisation of physical and biological sciences enables our graduates and researchers to harness the transformative power of chemistry to tackle emerging challenges in today’s world, from developing sustainable solutions to net zero to new health technologies and therapies.

Continuing an illustrious tradition at King’s, epitomised by the discoveries of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins of the structure of DNA, the department has a distinct focus on understanding the chemistry of life and the interface with biology. Our imaginative, interdisciplinary research provides the foundations for innovations in chemical biology, biomaterials science, synthetic biology and nanomedicine.

Join our growing department

As part of our ongoing expansion we are actively recruiting at all levels. We welcome applications from researchers and academics who want to be part of our dynamic, collegial department and wish to cultivate ground-breaking research, innovate in chemical education or are interested chemical education research.

We encourage applications for externally funded research fellowships to be held at King’s Chemistry as well as from existing fellows. New staff will join King’s at an exciting time and be involved in the strategic development of cutting-edge Chemistry and its future direction at King's. King’s is a partner with the landmark Francis Crick Medical Research Institute which offers tremendous opportunities to work with world leaders in biomedical research to understand the chemistry of life.

Informal enquiries are welcomed at any time, please contact the Head of Department, Professor Martin Ulmschneider. You can also check the latest vacancies on King's job listings

A diverse and friendly community

We are committed to embedding equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) within the culture of the Department of Chemistry. Our vision is to maintain a fair and inclusive environment for all staff and students, so that everyone the support and opportunities they need to achieve their full potential.

Three undergraduate students smile as they work in a lab

Explore our facilities

The Chemistry Research Facility offers analytical services, including both Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). These services are run by specialist instrument technicians able to support your research work through experimental design, optimisation, and data interpretation. In addition, the facility can prove training in the theory and application of these techniques.

800x430 Chemistry Research Facility

Collaborating to advance innovation

We foster a thriving ecosystem of enterprise and innovation, working together with a range of industrial, public sector, cultural, and academic partners both in the UK and internationally, to advance knowledge exchange and innovation in research, development and education.


Learn more



Meet the Department of Chemistry, King's College London.



Find out about undergraduate courses in the Department of Chemistry.



Explore our research in the Department of Chemistry.