Professor Anja Shortland
Professor in Political Economy
Research interests
- Politics
Professor Anja Shortland is a Professor of Political Economy. Anja studies private governance in the world’s trickiest markets: hostages, fine art, antiquities, and ransomware—and how people live, trade, and invest in complex and hostile territories. Although often based on data analysis, her work usually cuts across disciplinary boundaries adopting techniques and insights from sociology, engineering, geography, politics, international relations and economics.
Anja was an Engineering and Economics undergraduate at Oxford and then did her Masters and PhD in International Relations at the LSE. Before coming to King's she worked as a lecturer in Economics at Leicester, a Reader in Economics at Brunel University and as a consultant to the World Bank.
Office hours
Wednesday: 14.00-15.00
Except on Wednesday, 29 January, when the office hour will be 16.00-17.00
Thursday: 14.30-15.30
All office hours are in Bush NE 7.09. No need to book, just turn up.
Anja's research focuses on how people structure trades in markets where states do not reliably provide law and order. How can legal entities successfully transact with (transnational) criminal enterprises? How do private enterprises control and discourage criminal activity when law enforcement is weak? Anja has published widely on the issue of kidnap and hijack for ransom, art recovery, and ransomware. She co-authored the 2013 World Bank Policy Report: The Pirates of Somalia: Ending the Threat; Rebuilding a Nation. Her books: Kidnap: Inside the Ransom Business is published by Oxford University Press in 2019. Lost Art: The Art Loss Register’s Casebook was published by Unicorn Press in June 2021. Anja is currently writing a book on the history of ransomware.
- Political Economy of Organised Crime (Masters)
- Economics of Crime (Year 3)
PhD supervision
Anja welcomes PhD applications in the fields of the economics of crime, organised crime, cybercrime, and informal governance, including from professionals with experience in these areas.

Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

History and Political Economy Research Group
The History and Political Economy Research Group at King's College London
Research paper on antiquities scoops journal award
A paper which offers new insights into the international trade in antiquities and how institutions work to combat the market in looted or fake goods has won a...

Research shows leading role of insurance industry in shaping criminal behaviour
New research has shown how the insurance industry plays a prominent role in shaping crime and criminal behaviour, working with governments to combat offenders...

Department celebrates anniversary milestone
Staff and students came together this week to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Department of Political Economy.

School's inaugural awards sees staff and students honoured
Students and staff from across the School of Politics and Economics were honoured at an annual awards ceremony.
New book shines light on murky world of stolen art
Art worth hundreds of thousands of pounds is stolen or looted every year, yet governments often consider its theft a luxury problem.

Academic among expert guests on podcast series
Professor Anja Shortland was among guests on a podcast looking closely at the emerging battle against piracy in west Africa.

Top literary award for academic's book exploring murky world of kidnap
An “outstanding and gripping” book written by a King’s College London professor has been awarded a top literary prize.


Lost Art book launch
Join Professor Anja Shortland for the official launch of her book, Lost Art.
Please note: this event has passed.

Global South Research Group
The Global South research group brings together scholars engaged in research on international political and economic trends, non-European perspectives, and south-south comparisons.

History and Political Economy Research Group
The History and Political Economy Research Group at King's College London
Research paper on antiquities scoops journal award
A paper which offers new insights into the international trade in antiquities and how institutions work to combat the market in looted or fake goods has won a...

Research shows leading role of insurance industry in shaping criminal behaviour
New research has shown how the insurance industry plays a prominent role in shaping crime and criminal behaviour, working with governments to combat offenders...

Department celebrates anniversary milestone
Staff and students came together this week to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Department of Political Economy.

School's inaugural awards sees staff and students honoured
Students and staff from across the School of Politics and Economics were honoured at an annual awards ceremony.
New book shines light on murky world of stolen art
Art worth hundreds of thousands of pounds is stolen or looted every year, yet governments often consider its theft a luxury problem.

Academic among expert guests on podcast series
Professor Anja Shortland was among guests on a podcast looking closely at the emerging battle against piracy in west Africa.

Top literary award for academic's book exploring murky world of kidnap
An “outstanding and gripping” book written by a King’s College London professor has been awarded a top literary prize.


Lost Art book launch
Join Professor Anja Shortland for the official launch of her book, Lost Art.
Please note: this event has passed.