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Biology research at King's

Our researchers interrogate the interplays between biological systems through the study of diverse fields including genetics, biochemistry and computational biology. This work extends from fundamental to applied aspects of biology as our scientists investigate the mechanisms of life, from molecular and cellular levels to entire ecosystems. By working across the fundamental and applied biological sciences, King's researchers identify connections between organisms and their environments to drive real-world solutions that benefit society.


Exploring the science of life

The Centre for the Physical Science of Life explores the transformative power of physical science to enhance understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying living systems. The centre fosters an atmosphere of creativity, pioneers new frontiers at discipline interfaces and provides innovative, impactful solutions for pressing societal challenges.

Centre for the Physical Science of Life
Molecules MND

Research centres and departments

Research networks and groups

RNA Biology

RNA is at the forefront of biomedical research for its central role in...