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  • The Sanz and Hogarth groups exploit novel physical and inorganic methods to create and probe small biomolecules and metallopharmeceuticals.
  • The Barry group combines organic and chemical biology to investigate biomolecules, enzymes and biosynthetic pathways.
  • The Isaacson group employs computational and structural biology approaches to investigate larger biological macromolecules and proteins.
  • The Booth, Borysik and Eggert groups take biophysical, chemical and synthetic biology approaches with particular emphasis on designing and studying protein assemblies, probing natural membranes, creating synthetic membranes and devising new chemical tools to investigate cellular events.

Research groups

Barry Group

Barry Group

The Barry Group focuses on understanding and exploiting the natural product biosynthesis, from the…

Booth Group

Booth Group

Paula Booth's group works at the interface of Chemistry and Biology to elucidate the mechanisms by…

Borysik Group

Borysik Group

Antoni Borysik's group use native mass spectrometry (MS) ion mobility MS and hydrogen-deuterium…

Brogan Group

Brogan Group

Research in the Brogan Group aims to develop new enzyme-based biotechnologies to help us move to a…

Cobb Group

Cobb Group

The Cobb Group has developed a number of new asymmetric reactions, mainly focusing on the chemistry…

Eggert Group

Eggert Group

The Eggert Group uses chemical and cell biology approaches to study cytokinesis at the process,…

Hogarth Group

Hogarth Group

The Hogarth Group focusses on molecular transition metal chemistry.

Isaacson Group

Isaacson Group

Rivka Isaacson's group uses biophysical techniques, with a focus on NMR spectroscopy, to determine…

Müller Group

Müller Group

Research in the Müller lab focuses on using synthetic protein chemistry to elucidate how proteins…

Musgrave Group

Musgrave Group

The research interests of the Musgrave Group are focused on metallopolymers and metal-metal…

Sanz Group

Sanz Group

Maria Eugenia Sanz's group looks at how biomolecular conformation plays a fundamental role in…

Ulmschneider Group

Ulmschneider Group

Martin Ulmschneider's group studies how peptides and proteins interact with cellular membranes and…

Wallace Group

Wallace Group

The Wallace Group builds artificial mimics of cell membranes; both to improve our understanding of…




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Meet the Department of Chemistry, King's College London.