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Data Structures

Key information

  • Module code:


  • Level:


  • Semester:


  • Credit value:


Module description

Aims and Learning Outcomes

To introduce a number of data structures and algorithms in order to provide a toolkit for solving computational problems. To present analysis and implementations in Java of introduced algorithms and data structures. To develop further understanding and skills of programming in Java.

On successful completion of this module, students will:

  • be able to select and use the most appropriate data structures and algorithms to solve programming problems
  • develop advanced programming skills by implementing such data structures and algorithms in Java
  • be able to estimate the computational performance of your chosen solution


An indication of the type of topics:

  • Concepts of Abstract Data Types (ADTs), Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • Object orientated implementation of ADTs.
  • Examples of ADTs (stack, queue, array list, node list, tree, priority queue, map, dictionary, hash table) and their implementations (arrays, linked lists, general trees, binary trees, heaps, hash tables, binary search trees).
  • Introduction to the performance analysis of algorithms.
  • Searching algorithms (linear, binary) and their efficiency.
  • Sorting algorithms (selection sort, insertion sort, merge-sort, quick-sort, heap-sort, bucket-sort) and their efficiency.

Assessment details

Please note: The below assessment details for the 2024/25 academic year may be updated. The confirmed details will be available on the Student Handbook and on the module KEATS page at the beginning of the semester.

100% Examination 

Module description disclaimer

King’s College London reviews the modules offered on a regular basis to provide up-to-date, innovative and relevant programmes of study. Therefore, modules offered may change. We suggest you keep an eye on the course finder on our website for updates.

Please note that modules with a practical component will be capped due to educational requirements, which may mean that we cannot guarantee a place to all students who elect to study this module.

Please note that the module descriptions above are related to the current academic year and are subject to change.