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Clinical disciplines


At the forefront of dental education, research and patient care, our clinical disciplines:

  • provide training in all specialist areas for the oral and dental workforce of the future

  • undertake world-leading scientific research

  • care for the large and diverse population of South East England in our partner Guy's & St Thomas' and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts

About our clinical disciplines

Discipline lead: Dr Mark Ide BDS MSc PhD FDS(RestDent) FDSRCS(Eng) FHEA

Education: Periodontal training and clinical practice forms a significant part of our BDS undergraduate training. The current MClinDent programme is globally recognised and provides education, clinical practice and research experience and skills allowing students to sit specialist exit examinations with confidence.

Research: Interests are investigated using a range of methodologies and in conjunction with a range of collaborators and include behavioural change as part of care, outcomes of nonsurgical and surgical interventions, tissue anatomy and treatment outcomes, diagnosis and management of periimplant diseases, biomarkers for periodontal disease and epidemiology, periodontal disease and systemic diseases (inflammation, cardiovascular, diabetes, dementia), periodontal development and wound healing, roles and activity of osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells, periodontal and plaque microflora, and impact of smoking and vaping on periodontal status.

Clinical care: Clinical care is provided by undergraduate and postgraduate students / trainees, dental hygienists and staff members. This includes all forms of conventional nonsurgical and surgical therapies. Patients are referred to the department by other specialists or consultants within the NHS, or by General or Specialist Dental Practitioners. All referrals are vetted and patients are seen on an initial diagnostic clinic, often with students present, as part of a treatment planning process.

16 Oct

Change our City Challenge

16 October 2024

Work in teams with students across King's to tackle some of London's biggest challenges!