Members conduct research and publish work on a broad array of issues, including:
- the history of land
- naval and air warfare
- international and imperial history
- intelligence history
- political, social and cultural aspects and impact of past wars
Recent Activity:
- Dr Kunika Kakuta featured on the Mariner’s Mirror podcast speaking about Great Sea Fights; specifically the Battle of Tsushima from the Japanese perspective.
Teaching Fellow
Visiting Research Associate
Head of Defence Studies Department
Professor of Strategic Studies
Visiting Research Fellow
PhD Researcher
Lecturer in Defence Studies
Senior Lecturer in Imperial and Global History
PhD candidate
Associate Dean (Professional & Online Education) SSPP
Lecturer in E-Learning
Professor of the History of War and Society
Lecturer in Defence Studies
Professor of Defence Studies
Senior Lecturer in Defence Studies
Senior Lecturer in the Defence Studies Department
Visiting Research Fellow in the Defence Studies Department
PhD Candidate
Reader in Diplomatic and Military History
Professor of Imperial and Military History
Reader in International History
Co-Director of the Freeman Air and Space Institute
Professor of Strategic Foreign Policy
Laughton Professor of Naval History
Professor of Modern Warfare
Professor of International History
Reader in Defence Studies
Senior Lecturer
PhD Candidate
Reader in the History of War
PhD Candidate
Lecturer in Defence Studies Education
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate and Teacher
PhD Candidate
PhD candidate