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Right Between Your Ears Documentary Screening + Q&A

16 de Crespigny Park Denmark Hill, Wolfson Lecture Theatre (IoPPN)
31/01/2018 (18:00-19:15)
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Many people have a strong sense that their views are right and couldn’t possibly be wrong. So how do we come to hold an unshakeable conviction and why is it hard to consider that we could be mistaken? 

Through the eyes of a group of people convinced that they knew the date for the end of the world, documentary Right Between Your Ears explores how people believe, how we turn beliefs into certainties, and mistake them for the truth. 

Documentary produced and directed by filmmaker Sheila Marshall and produced by neuroscientist Kris De Meyer (IOPPN, King's College London). The film will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers.

View the trailer here: 

"An engaging, kind and sober film about a hugely important topic: what happens when people who are certain of something realize they are wrong." Jon Ronson - author 

"A fun and warm-hearted look at a community of doomsayers as they face the day of jugdment, it ends up saying a great deal about how we all think." Louis Theroux - documentary filmmaker


Tea and Coffee will be served from 17.45  

Documentary to start at 18.10

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