IoP showcases exciting plans for new Education Hub
Professor Susan Lea, Vice-Dean (Education) at the Institute of Psychiatry, hosted a Showcase Presentation of the exciting new plans for the IoP's cutting edge 'Education Hub' in the Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Institute of Psychiatry.
Staff and students were invited to meet the project team and find out how this innovative project will transform the IoP - including the ground floor of the main building, the quad, and a balcony and staircase linking the café-diner to the ground floor 'hub'.
Professor Lea said: 'The Institute is highly committed to education and delivering an excellent student experience. The 'Education Hub Project' aims to provide modern, well-equipped facilities for the IoP's growing teaching portfolio and open up more state-of-the-art teaching facilities to the Denmark Hill campus.’
The Institute of Psychiatry is internationally recognised as one of largest and most reputable postgraduate teaching and research centres in mental health related sciences. Each year the Institute welcomes over 800 students who join a community of scholars and global leaders in their field who make a real difference in the world of mental health.
This is an exciting time for King's College London which has invested some £60m in improving student facilities and there are further investments of £140m planned for the next few years. The College is transforming space across all campuses to offer students more choice in how they study, and staff greater access to modern and flexible teaching environments.
As part of this, the Learning and Teaching Space Improvement Programme is a five-year £18million investment programme to transform teaching, learning and social spaces across all campuses. The programme is playing a major role in helping to improve student experience at King's.

Clockwise from top left: Courtyard, Education Hub, Student Lounge and Wolfson Lecture Theatre.
For more information on the King's College Learning and Teaching Space Improvement Programme, please visit OneSpace