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Two new academy of medical sciences fellows

MAY 03, 2008

Two King’s scientists are among 40 UK leading doctors and medical researchers who have been recognised for excellence in medical science with their election to the Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Simon Lovestone, Professor Old Age Psychiatry and Director or the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health,  Institute of Psychiatry,and Andy Adam, Professor of Interventional Radiology in the School of Medicine  join the 35 other King’s academics who are Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

Academy Fellows are elected for outstanding contributions to the advancement of medical science, for innovative application of scientific knowledge and conspicuous service to healthcare.

Professor Lovestone’s area of research concentrates on understanding the molecular and cellular events that take place in the brain and especially the role of tau, in Alzheimer’s disease, together with the genetics and proteomics of late onset Alzheimer’s disease. He has published widely on mechanisms and intracellular signalling, biomarkers and genetics.  He is the Director of the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health founded in 2007, Deputy director of the MRC Centre for Neurodegeneration Research, chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Alzheimer’s Research Trust and has been a member of the Wellcome Trust Neurosciences panel and part of the MRC College of experts.

Professor Adam’s primary clinical and research interests are in the areas of biliary and gastrointestinal intervention, and percutaneous tumour ablation (the treatment of tumours in various organs using laser and radiofrequency under ultrasound and CT guidance). He has published more than 200 scientific papers and book chapters and has served as Editor-in-Chief of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology.   Last year he was elected President of the Royal College of Radiologists and is also serving as President of the European Society of Radiology. This is the first time the same person has been president of both institutions simultaneously or at different times.

Wealth of experience
Professor Sir John Bell, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences said: ‘These Fellows enter the Academy at a time when health and medical science issues are high on the public and political agenda. Our Fellows demonstrate the wealth of experience and diversity of talent amongst the UK’s research community. Their excellence in medical research plays a pivotal role in determining the future of medical science and the benefits that society will enjoy in years to come.’

The expertise of the new Fellows spans cancer research, developmental biology, stem cell therapy, neuroscience, biomedical engineering and international health.

Academy of Medical Sciences
The independent Academy of Medical Sciences promotes advances in medical science and campaigns to ensure these are translated into benefits for patients. The Academy’s 900 Fellows are the United Kingdom’s leading medical scientists from hospitals, academia, industry and the public service. This year Fellows were chosen from 363 candidates. To see the full list of this year’s and previous year’s Fellows, see:
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